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Probation Strategies for the Future - A Blueprint for Change Judicial Conference Planning Committee, 1981 - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
107 pages
These proposed rules for the administration of probation services in New Jersey cover the goals, scope of services, and organization of probation.
The rules and their accompanying commentary were presented by the Judicial Conference Planning Committee, after extensive consultation with both professionals and community members, for consideration by the State's supreme court. Goal statements focus on the needs for information, compliance with court orders, supervision, crime prevention, victim assistance, and diversion. Rules regarding functions focus on information, supervision, compliance, and diversionary services. Additional rules focus on accountability, professionalism and training for probation staff, the selection and appointment of personnel, and the organization of probation services. Further proposed rules cover such operations as collections and information systems and the administration of probation services. Footnotes and sources accompany the commentary for each proposed rule.