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Probation Statistics - England and Wales, 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
102 pages
Narrative information and statistical data cover the activities of the probation service in England and Wales in 1982, along with comparable information for earlier years.
Summary statistics pertain to probationers entering supervision in 1982 and those under supervision on December 31, 1982. 'Supervision' refers to probation, supervision under the Child and Young Persons Act of 1969, suspended sentence supervision, money payment supervision, community service orders, aftercare, and domestic supervision (matrimonial proceedings, wardship, guardianship, and Childrens Act 1975). Following summary statistics, detailed data address commencements and terminations of these types of supervision. Information is provided on reports prepared by and other cases referred to the probation service. Data indicate the number of staff employed by the probation service, the average caseload, and the average number of reports prepared by officers. Three tables present probation expenditures. Tables showing historical data cover 4, 7, or 11 years, depending on the period for which comparable information is available.