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Probation in Israel - An International Perspective

NCJ Number
Journal of Probation and Parole Issue: 13 Dated: (Fall 1981) Pages: 1-6
G J Bensinger
Date Published
6 pages
This article looks at the historio-legal foundations of probation in Israel, the current role and functions of youth and adult probation, and the system's administration and organization.
Probation was introduced by the British in Palestine during the Mandatory period (1922-48). There are separate adult and youth probation departments, each with six geographic districts. Since probation is not a punishment, administrative responsibility lies with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and the court exercises no control over probation officers. Adult probation officers conduct psycho-social investigations of offenders, submit reports, treat offenders, and act as parole agents for released offenders. Juvenile probation officers have similar duties. They use casework techniques and group work methods. The Probation Services are not expected to grow in the 1980's due to budget cuts and toughening attitudes toward the rising crime rate. Reference notes and a few tables and graphs are supplied.