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Probation at a Crossroads - Innovative Programs in Massachusetts

NCJ Number
Date Published
95 pages
This study examines innovative probation programs in Massachusetts, with particular emphasis on programs for high-risk offenders, and offers recommendations in the areas of a mission statement, policy direction, program evaluation, recordkeeping, intensive probation, presentence reports, and public education.
The study reviewed probation in general and innovative programs in particular through a literature review and a national survey of selected probation practitioners. Information on Massachusetts' programs was obtained from State and local probation officials, meetings to determine how various criminal justice practitioners view probation in Massachusetts, and onsite observations. The analysis of Massachusetts' innovative probation programs indicates that most have been developed for a particular court or local jurisdiction, with the possible exception of intensive probation, which is practiced statewide. Intensive probation, addressing the special problems of high-risk offenders, is examined in detail. Recommendations based on study findings include (1) development of a focused probation mission statement, (2) evaluation of traditional and innovative probation programs prior to statewide expansion, and (3) use of the full range of nonpenal sanctions for all offender classes. Further research is also recommended. 39-item bibliography.