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Probation and Public Safety: Using Performance Measures To Demonstrate Public Value

NCJ Number
Corrections Management Quarterly Volume: 2 Issue: 3 Dated: Summer 1998 Pages: 61-69
W D Burrell
Date Published
9 pages
Probation needs to clarify its mission and its role in securing public safety by performance measures to demonstrate tangible results if it is to gain greater public support.
Probation responsible for the greatest proportion of the offender population. However, probation is not well known. In addition, it does not have the confidence or support of communities. Opinion polls over the years have revealed that the public is highly concerned over public safety and does not have confidence in the government or the criminal justice system to ensure their safety. Citizens define criminal justice in terms of protection and prevention. Probation must demonstrate that successful probation supervision provides benefits to society that offset the risks it poses. To change public attitudes it must create a new narrative to communicate to citizens what probation does. Developing this narrative requires the creation of a mission and vision for probation. It is also essential to link probation work to public safety and crime control so that it will be regarded as essential and integral to these goals. Recognition is needed that public safety is the cornerstone of probation activities; probation needs to report regularly, persistently, and persuasively about the results of its work to help the public and other stakeholders understand its contributions to society. 35 references