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Probation and Parole Directory - First Edition - Adult and Juvenile Probation and Parole Services, United States and Canada

NCJ Number
Date Published
479 pages
This directory of probation and parole systems in the United States and Canada enables correctional professionals to compare systems and to contact colleagues in the jurisdictions listed; the material is current as of April 1, 1981.
Following a brief review of the history of probation and parole in the United States and Canada, the directory provides information on the U.S. Parole Commission and the Federal Probation System, each of the States, and counties and other jurisdictions within the States. Each of these entities is briefly described and identification information (title of organization and address) and names of administrators and chief executives are given. The directory provides descriptions of programs and services, expenditures, beginning salaries, personnel, and client caseload information, as well as information on the regional and State offices. Listings for Canada include the National Parole Board and various Provincial and territorial correctional services. In addition, the directory includes a glossary of probation and parole terms and a bibliography with approximately 45 references. The directory also contains material on the American Correctional Association such as a list of publications, a code of ethics, resolutions, organizational structure, and policy statements.