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Probation and Parole 1984

NCJ Number
L A Greenfeld
Date Published
7 pages
This report presents 1984 data (and some earlier data) on probation and parole populations in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Federal system.

Data compare the sentenced prison population to the< probation and parole populations for 1979-1984, present the number of adults on probation in 1984, indicate types of parole and probation exits by jurisdiction, show prison releases by method for 1975-1984, and reveal the number of adults under correctional supervision by jurisdiction for 1984. At the end of 1984, a record 1,711,190 adults were on probation in the United States, an 8.1-percent increase in 1 year. During the same period, the adult parole and mandatory release population increased 9 percent (more than 22,000) to a record 268,515. A narrative interpretation of the data is included.