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Privatization of Corrections Movement: A Decade of Change

NCJ Number
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1991) Pages: 1-28
L C Hanson
Date Published
28 pages
This paper chronicles the development occurring during the 1980s in the private corrections industry.
The analysis focuses upon legislative action and growth in the number of contracts for private facility management. The data were collected regarding all privatized secure adult facilities, local detention and correctional facilities, or State and Federal prisons. A decade ago there were few visible active proponents of correctional privatization. Other than the industry itself, lobbying efforts for privatized correctional facilities were infrequent. There now are 55 facilities in 11 states that are under private contracts to provide housing for over 18,000 inmates. On a practical level, it appears that the need for and the value of private sector contracts has been sufficient to overcome the obstacles, political reservations, and the politics of the correctional systems. Groups lobbying against correctional privatization have failed to prevent either the recent legislative recognition supporting privatization in numerous jurisdictions or the substantial increase in the number of correctional facilities under private management. 48 references and 1 appendix (Author abstract modified)