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Prisoners in State and Federal Institutions on December 31, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
51 pages
This report examines the sharp increase in prison population growth during 1980 and discusses developments in the correctional field that could lead to even greater growth.

It is the most recent in an annual series reporting the number and movement of prisoners held by State and Federal correctional authorities. As in previous reports, information is examined on changes in the distribution of prisoners at the State and regional levels; on the composition of the inmate population by race, sex, and Hispanic origin; and on the proportions of various types of admissions and releases. Availability of data from the 1980 decennial census enables the calculation of more reliable incarceration rates for minority and Hispanic prisoners than those presented for the late years of the 1970's. A special table showing the yearend count of prisoners in State and Federal institutions for each of the last 55 years (1925 to 1980) is also presented. This report discusses all prisoners subject to confinement under the jurisdiction of a given correctional system, irrespective of whether they are actually in its physical custody. Data for the report were collected and analyzed by the U.S. Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. (Author abstract modified)