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Prisoners at Mid-Year: 1992 - Four Percent More Prisoners in First Half of 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
5 pages
Statistical data are presented.

This brief press release, issued by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, provides statistical data regarding the prison populations in State and Federal facilities for the first half of 1992. According to the release, during this period the Nation's State and Federal prison populations grew by 31,449 inmates to a total of 855,958 men and women. The growth in prison populations from June 1991 to June 1992 was 6.4 percent, the lowest growth rate since 1984, although the total increase in prisoners was the third largest annual increase on record. Also included in this release are very brief State-by-State summaries of the bases for the population counts. Three tables illustrate prisoners under the jurisdiction of State and Federal correctional facilities June 30, 1992, December 31, 1991, and June 30, 1991, by region and State; the prison situation among the States, June 30, 1992; and the average weekly growth in the number of prisoners during the first half of the year, 1989-1992.