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Prisoners Assistance Directory, Ninth Edition

NCJ Number
B Bernat, M Martino
Date Published
60 pages
This directory lists State and local, national, and international organizations that provide prisoner assistance.
The directory is a product of the National Prison Project conducted by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. Project priorities are to establish that prison conditions meet minimum constitutional, basic health, and safety standards; that prison systems debilitate prisoners and reduce their ability to function successfully upon release to society; that prisons are humanistic and economic failures; that various other forms of punishment and sanctions are less costly and more humane than prisons; that prisoners have a right to associate for lawful purposes and to have free communication with the courts, public officials, lawyers, media, and the outside world; that physical and psychological cruelty in prisons must be abolished; and that fair practices and rules in prisons must be implemented. For each organization involved in prisoner assistance, the directory gives an address, telephone number, and description of services.