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Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority in Israel (From The Prevention of Crime and The Treatment of Offenders in Israel, 1990, P 95-97, -- See NCJ-129299)

NCJ Number
A Hoffman
Date Published
4 pages
The organization and activities of Israel's Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority (PRA) are described.
Functions of the PRA, established to develop unique and innovative programs for the rehabilitation of convicted criminals, include establishing policy for the rehabilitation of non-security inmates, preparing rehabilitation programs for inmates prior to their release, and working to absorb the inmate in the community. PRA programs use volunteers to provide practical assistance and to help change community attitudes. Female inmates are eligible for PRA programs regardless of their term. Also eligible are male inmates whose sentence is six months or longer. The PRA provided assistance to 4,966 released inmates over the April 1984 through March 1990 period. The PRA's activities in jail and its rehabilitation projects are outlined.