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Prisoner Recidivism Analysis Tool

NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2011
0 pages
This online report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics is an analysis tool that allows users to calculate recidivism rates for persons released from State prisons.
This online tool was developed by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to allow users to calculate recidivism rates for persons released from State prisons. The tool uses data collected by BJS. The sample consists of persons released from State prisons in 1994 and followed for a 3-year period. Newer recidivism data will be available in 2012 for those prisoners released from State prisons in 2005. The tool allows users to generate custom tables and charts by selecting specific criteria related to demographics - age at release, sex, race, and ethnicity; criminal history - number of prior arrests and prior imprisonment; and sentence characteristics - sentencing offense and time served in months. The site also contains information on the method used for collecting the data and definitions for terms used in the tool.