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Prison Violence and Inmate Suicide and Self-Injury

NCJ Number
Forum on Corrections Research Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Dated: September 1992 Pages: 1-39
Date Published
September 1992
39 pages
This journal focuses on violence in prisons, with a particular emphasis on inmate suicide and self-injury.
The first section emphasizes the situation in Canadian prisons. The articles summarize recent statistics on violence and suicide in Canadian facilities, the national strategy for the prevention of suicide and the reduction of self-injury, and the functions of the Special Handling Units introduced by the Correctional Service of Canada in 1977. The feature articles cover various other aspects of inmate self-injury. One author discusses the differentiation between suicidal, malingering, and self-mutilating behaviors. Another presents results from a study of suicides among Canadian Federal prisoners. The suicide prevention activities utilized by the Correctional Service of Canada are evaluated. A separate article offers a Scottish perspective on prison violence. Informal rules of social control and the question of liability in inmate suicides are two other topics covered here.