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Prison Service Annual 1994

NCJ Number
Date Published
88 pages
This 1994 report of the Singapore Prison Service highlights major achievements of the Service and presents statistics on staff and inmates.
A formal structure for dealing with stress in correctional officers has been proposed; the intent is that staff will be better able to manage job-related stress. A systematic posting plan has been established to ensure that all junior officers will fulfill their job potential and achieve a satisfying career with the Prisons Department. Two new facilities were opened on April 23, 1994, the Tanah Merah Prison and the Changi Women's Prison/Drug Rehabilitation Centre. These two prisons feature state-of-the-art systems and equipment. Plans are underway to build a drug rehabilitation complex in Tampines to house all categories of male drug offenders. The first handicraft fair to showcase the work of inmates was presented for the public. Beginning September 1, 1994, the organizational structure of the various institutions within the Prisons Department was restructured in accordance with the staff-line concept of management.

Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)