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Prison Reform Trust Submission to the Home Office Departmental Committee on the Prison Disciplinary System

NCJ Number
Date Published
34 pages
Forty-eight recommendations for changes in the British prison disciplinary system focus on the need to recognize the judicial nature of prison disciplinary proceedings and to respond to the requirements of several recent court decisions.
The current list of 21 offenses against discipline needs revision. Prisoners should have the right to police investigations of disciplinary infractions that are also criminal offenses. The role of the Boards of Visitors should change substantially. Local panels of magistrates should take over the disciplinary functions of Boards of Visitors. Other reforms should focus on penalties, privileges, procedures, procedures for review and appeal, procedures for making decisions on the legal representation of prisoners facing disciplinary proceedings, and the use of full hearings. Both prison staff and magistrates should receive training on the procedures and principles of disciplinary hearings and the requirements of natural justice.


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