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Prison Leave

NCJ Number
Date Published
13 pages
This recommendation by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe discusses the benefits of granting prison leave and delineates factors to be considered in granting leaves.
Because prison leaves makes incarceration more humane and facilitates the social reintegration of the inmate, leave should be granted to the greatest extent possible on medical, social, family, educational, occupational and other grounds. Factors to be considered in granting leaves include (1) nature of the offense and time already served, (2) the risk presented by granting leave, and (3) the inmate's family and other social situations. Refusal of leaves should be only used as a sanction for abuse of the system, inmates should have the refusal explained, and a review process should be available. Finally, staff support and interagency cooperation, ongoing program evaluation, and public information also are recommended. An explanatory memorandum further discusses these recommendations and their rationales.


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