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Prison Garden Book

NCJ Number
N Flinn
Date Published
74 pages
This guide for establishing and maintaining a prison gardening program also cites the benefits of such a program for both inmates and the institution.
A prison garden provides inmate work, produces better food for the institution, teaches work skills, and provides an achievement opportunity for inmates. Examples of prison gardening and farm programs encompass small to mid-size programs, large-scale programs (where food self-sufficiency and cost savings are the goals), and training programs that prepare inmates for horticultural careers on the outside. A State-by-State overview of gardening programs lists the name, address, and phone number of a contact person and briefly describes each program's activities. Guidance for starting and maintaining a prison gardening program covers project planning, working with an inmate crew, directions for possible expansion, training and education, and public relations. Tips and techniques for institutional gardening are provided. Photographs, sample forms, and 17-item annotated bibliography.