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Prison Education: The Government Reply to the Second Report From the Education, Science and Arts Committee, Session 1986-87

NCJ Number
Date Published
11 pages
This report presents the British Government's response to each of the recommendations in the second report on prison education of the Education, Science, and Arts Committee.
The committee presented 24 recommendations. Eleven address primarily prison education as a whole. They are concerned with the role of the Local Education Authorities, the needs of certain groups of prisoners, and the duties of HMI. The remaining 13 recommendations pertain to the context in which education is provided. This includes the volume and allocation of funds and the availability of financial information, the training of prison officers, and legislation. In responding to these recommendations, the Government has considered two general issues also mentioned in the Government's response to the recommendations of the previous committee report. The first is that education must be viewed as part of prison regimes as a whole. Any changes that affect education necessarily impact other services in the prison. Secondly, most of the recommendations have resource implications, particularly in the area of personnel. The level of provision for education as well as for any other service depends on the availability of these resources