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Prison Decisions, V 10, N 6 - Cases Reported in June 1983

NCJ Number
F S Merritt
Date Published
30 pages
Abstracts of Federal and State court decisions rendered in June 1983 are categorized under 38 topics dealing with inmate rights, prison practices, prison conditions, and sentencing.
Court decisions on inmate rights pertain to such issues as court access, inmate safety, grievance procedures, mail censorship, parole revocation, press access, and religious practices. Other issues considered in the judicial decisions include inmate medical care and facilities, mental commitments, parole conditions, right to treatment, transfers, and inmate supervision. Decisions pertaining to sentencing address appeal and modifications, appropriate considerations, diversion, the effect of new laws, enhancement, erroneous sentence, the presentence report, plea bargaining, and sentencing the habitual offender. U.S. Supreme Court cases where certiorari was denied and filed are summarized. Other issues reviewed in the decisions are detainers, defenses, inmate discipline, classification, ex-offender problems, and time credit.


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