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Prison Classification

NCJ Number
Crime and Delinquency Volume: 32 Issue: 3 Dated: special issue (July 1986) Pages: complete issue
L A Bennett
Date Published
135 pages
The seven articles in this collection address the development of inmate classification systems in U.S. correctional systems, with particular attention to evaluations, the validity of classification instruments, and the objectives of classification.
Major concerns in developing more systematic classification systems as they relate to case management are explored in a discussion of the Client Management Classification (CMC) system. Other papers summarize a national evaluation of objective classification systems and detail a method for classifying institutions to facilitate the matching of inmate needs and prison designation. A method for evaluating the design and implementation of a particular model of classification is detailed. An article on the objectives of classification focuses on inherent limitations to predictive ability and the need to promote positive human interaction. Using determinate sentencing as an example, one article notes the impact of organizational factors on the implementation of reform. The final article reviews research designs and methods used to validate classification instruments. Abstracts, tables, and references accompany each paper.