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Prison and Probation System, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
78 pages
This report describes and presents statistics on the Swedish prison and parole system in 1980.
The Swedish philosophy is that offenders should be treated without depriving them of liberty. If imprisonment is unavoidable, it should be organized in such a way as to keep offenders in close contact with society (i.e., by sending or eventually transferring them to small community-based institutions). Youth imprisonment have been abolished as a sanction together with the possibility of combining probation with a period of institutional treatment of up to 2 months. Every able-bodied prisoner is required to work a 40-hour week and is entitled to be paid, usually piece-rates. Many institutions have educational and vocational programs. The report also includes information on corrections administration and organization and presents data on sentencing, furloughs, probation and parole work, and recidivism. Graphs, charts, and data tables are supplied.