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Preventive Approach to - Vandalism and Theft in Kentucky Schools, Volume 2 - School Security and Control

NCJ Number
Date Published
36 pages
This booklet is the second volume of a two-volume set intended to assist Kentucky school administrators in selecting appropriate programs for the prevention of vandalism and theft through improved physical security of school facilities.
It gives general guidelines for school security and control and then explains and illustrates physical security measures such as various types of equipment and their installation. Special techniques are delineated for the securing of doors, windows, and miscellaneous openings and outbuildings. Other security-oriented measures are concerned with key control, lighting and electrical boxes, the grounds and perimeters of school property, and visitor access and control. Property identification and inventory control and the alarm system of the school facility are the final issues raised. A school security survey form and an incident report form are appended. Illustrations are provided. For volume one, see NCJ 77604.