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Prevention of Suicide in Prison - Student's Handbook

NCJ Number
Date Published
24 pages
Guidelines on preventing inmate suicides are presented in this manual designed for use in training correctional staff.
The preventability of most suicides is emphasized. Danger signs of which correctional staff should be aware are described, including suicide threats, suicide attempts, depression or other significant changes in behavior, and efforts to make final arrangements such as giving away personal possessions. A discussion of the timing of penitentiary suicides notes that most attempts occur during the evening and night shifts and during the inmate's first penitentiary term. Inmates who are described as potential suicides are young males or males over age 55, single men, inmates with something to fear from other members of the prison population, inmates with longer sentences, inmates with a high record of crime against other persons, and inmates with previous psychiatric histories. The stressful conditions in prison which increase susceptibility to suicide are described, and common myths about suicide are refuted. Steps in preventing suicide are explained, including having knowledge of the signs of suicide, properly screening all inmates, establishing rapport with each inmate, exercising proper supervision, communicating with other correctional staff about changes in an inmate's behavior, promoting contact with withdrawn or depressed inmates, being aware of crises in the inmate's life, and informing inmates of their institutional status. Techniques for talking with a suicidal inmate are given, along with an explanation of interaction skills necessary for successful intervention in another person's personal crisis. Methods of dealing with an actual suicide crisis or when a suicide or suicide attempt is discovered are also presented. Ten references are listed, and a French version of the report is appended.