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Prevention of Mental Disorders, Alcohol, and Other Drug Use in Children and Adolescents

NCJ Number
D Shaffer, I Philips, N B Enzer
Date Published
478 pages
This monograph reviews areas of risk research to assist in the planning and implementing of prevention programs for specific mental disorders and dysfunctions in children and adolescents.
The opening chapters focus on prevention of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders covering epidemiology, identification, and behavioral risk factors. Also addressed are areas requiring change in services delivery, research, and training in the profession. The complexity of programs of intervention are described in subsequent chapters on psychiatric disorders in parents as a risk factor for children. Public policy and a critical review of risk factors and prevention strategies for alcohol and drug abuse are also reviewed. Youth suicides, learning disorders, conduct disorders, and psychiatric morbidity in children after disaster are covered as well as maladjustment associated with chronic illness, and the interrelation of biological mechanisms with social-cultural environment are emphasized. A figure correlating significant risk factors with life events, trauma, and the emergence of psychopathology is included.