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Prevention Education for Adolescents (From Courage to Care: Responding to the Crisis of Children with AIDS, P 259-269, 1990, Gary Anderson, ed. -- See NCJ-127599)

NCJ Number
A D Martin
Date Published
11 pages
The Hetrick Martin Institute (HMI) has adapted its AIDS prevention and education program for homosexual and lesbian adolescents to target other groups of adolescents. The program is based on the concept that the characteristics of the target group, the context in which the program occurs, the information to be disseminated, the objectives of the program, and the characteristics of those doing the training must interact.
The goals of the HMI AIDS prevention program are basically to provide an environment in which adolescents can interact other than sexually, to prevent the development of sexual and social behaviors that provide the highest risk of exposure to HIV, to provide general health information related to HIV infection, and to provide the information within an appropriate context. The characteristics of the target population involve maturation, development, and socialization. The contexts in which an HIV prevention program is offered can include schools, private agencies, or religious organizations. Because of the obvious dilemmas in presenting programs addressing sexual issues, an expanded use of community-based organizations, rather than schools, may smooth over some of the difficulties. Several educational strategies are recommended for adolescent HIV prevention trainings including discussing other sex-related health issues, presenting the information in meaningful ways using media such as comic books and films, and establishing ongoing interactions between staff members and the adolescents. 12 references


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