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Prevention of Drug Abuse by Promoting Mental Health Among School Students

NCJ Number
Bulletin on Narcotics Volume: 37 Issue: 2 and 3 Dated: (April-September 1985) Pages: 107-112
C Gazmuri-Plaza; C Langdon-Piza; R Florenzano-Urzua
Date Published
6 pages
This 1983 evaluation of a juvenile drug prevention program in Santiago, Chile, showed positive program results for both students and teachers.
A series of workshops, organized for the training of students and teachers, focused on the acquisition of communication abilities, the resolution of daily conflicts, and the building of self-esteem. The training was designed to enable the trainees to replicate the knowledge and experience gained with their fellow classmates and teachers. To evaluate program results for students, a questionnaire measured their ability to communicate, their self-image, alcohol use, and other related variables both at the start of the program and within a year after completing the program. Fifty-six of the 100 student participants took the posttest. Evaluation results showed the students learned to value themselves, accept their weaknesses, analyze their problems, interact more positively with adults, and understand the risk involved in drug and alcohol use. The pretest and posttest taken by the teachers indicated their communication skills had increased significantly. 10 references. (Author abstract modified)