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Prevention and Treatment: The Positive Approach to Alcoholism and Drug Dependency

NCJ Number
Clearinghouse Review Volume: 24 Issue: 5 Dated: special issue (1990) Pages: 472-489
D Gates; D Beck
Date Published
18 pages
To represent drug-dependent and alcoholic clients adequately, legal service providers must be aware of prevention and treatment resources available in the community and use them.
Substance abuse is often an underlying problem in actions affecting legal service clients such as eviction and termination of parental rights. Although legal issues should be the priority for attorneys, they should also advocate access to preventive care and treatment for clients who have substance abuse problems. Community-based organizations involved in prevention focus on the Office for Substance Abuse Prevention, community partnerships, communication grants, high-risk youth, pregnant and postpartum women and their infants, emergency child abuse prevention services, and drug-free schools. Treatment services include detoxification, outpatient treatment, methadone maintenance, residential rehabilitation, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous. The article discusses the relevance of prevention and treatment to legal services, the nature of addiction, costs of untreated drug and alcohol problems, and barriers to Medicaid coverage of substance abuse. The article also describes treatment funded under the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration as well as the special treatment needs of pregnant women and mothers, youth, and persons with HIV infection. 177 endnotes