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Preventing Violence: Program Ideas and Examples

NCJ Number
Date Published
80 pages
This booklet suggests ways to conduct community-based violence prevention programs and describes 26 programs that operate at local or State levels and that demonstrate the broad spectrum of partners, audiences, long-term and short-term concerns, and kinds of violence that programs seek to reduce or eliminate.
The booklet assumes that readers have some experience in a community-based program that involves working directly with people. It notes that readers have many choices, including working with individuals or with a group and creating programs or joining an established effort. The text offers ideas to promote thinking about how to address local needs. It starts with lists of 10 skills and concepts to teach children, 10 actions anyone can take, and 10 actions people can take with their neighbors. It suggests different kinds of actions and partners and explains ways in which conducting a violence prevention program may differ from operating other programs in a community. It offers guidelines for selecting people to help, working in people’s comfort zones, helping volunteers deal with fear, sustaining hope when results are not quick or visible, examining values, and related topics. The 26 profiled programs operate either through existing organizations or through special groups dealing with the violence issue. Youth organizations, neighborhood groups, schools, police agencies, health and social service agencies, recreation departments, housing departments, and fraternal groups are among the groups that have started these programs. Lists of names and addresses of violence prevention resource organizations