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Preventing Vandalism and Graffiti

NCJ Number
Journal of Security Administration Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Dated: (December 1988) Pages: 28-35
P R Wilson
Date Published
8 pages
Though persons who engage in vandalism and graffiti do so for an infinite number of reasons, there is always some rational basis for the behavior in terms of the benefit obtained by the offender.
A situational crime prevention approach to preventing graffiti and vandalism allows for the generation of suitable strategies for its reduction. A framework for conducting such an approach is here given. Emphasis is placed on strategies that reduce opportunities, constrain and divert individual behavior, and target harden as well as 'de-opportunizing design.' While the goal of eliminating graffiti and vandalism from private or public space is unrealistic, research indicates that it should be possible to significantly reduce these behaviors. (Publisher abstract)