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Prevalence of Abuse Among Homeless and Housed Poor Mothers: A Comparison Study

NCJ Number
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Dated: (October 1991) Pages: 489-500
L A Goodman
Date Published
12 pages
The history of physical and sexual abuse among 50 homeless and 50 housed poor mothers was compared with particular attention to details of prevalence, type, and severity.
The samples were matched on three characteristics: speaking English, receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and being pregnant or having at least one child in custody. The women all lived in two New England cities with populations of 75,000 to 83,000. They completed interviews lasting 1 to 2 hours and designed to obtain information about demographics, childhood circumstances, mental health status, and experiences of physical or sexual abuse as a child and adult. Results showed high prevalence rates of all forms of abuse with 90 percent of the homeless sample and 88 percent of the housed sample reporting some form of abuse during their lifetimes. However, no significant differences were found except in the higher reported rates of sexual abuse in adulthood among the housed women. However, 89 percent of the total sample reported experiencing some form of abuse in their lifetimes. Results suggested that distinctions based on housing may be less important than distinctions based on income and that mental health services are urgently needed for both housed and homeless mothers. Tables and 28 references