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Pretrial Urine-testing in the District of Columbia: Its Usefulness for Risk Classification and as a "Signaling Device" for Release Risk

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Issues Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Dated: (Spring 1991) Pages: 369-381
M A Toborg; A M J Yezer; J A Carver III
Date Published
13 pages
Systematic urine-test data from arrestees in Washington, D.C. improved risk classification of arrestees with regard to pretrial rearrest, failure-to-appear, and overall pretrial misconduct; urine testing of defendants released before trial was an effective "signaling" mechanism of post-release risk.
Successful participants in the pretrial urine-testing program had rates of misconduct that were about one-half the rates for individuals who failed to show up for urine testing or who dropped out after only a few tests. 2 notes, 2 tables, and 14 references (Author abstract)