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Pretest - Rape

NCJ Number
Polygraph Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1982) Pages: 74-81
J E Reid
Date Published
8 pages
This article presents sample polygraph questions and responses of a rape suspect, emphasizing pretest interrogation techniques and the significance of the suspect's responses regarding guilt or innocence.
The questioner begins by asking the subject if he knows why he is taking the polygraph test. An innocent subject will state that he is accused of rape and wants to take the test to prove his innocence. The questioner should then turn to the major issue in a direct and forceful manner. The innocent subject will also respond directly. If the subject delays his answer for an unreasonable time, is vague, or shifts in his chair, he is apt to be guilty. Further questioning focuses on suspicions as to the criminal's identity, possible alibis, alcohol use, and the subject's willingness to use truth serum.


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