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Preserving the Integrity of the Interview: The Value of Videotape

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 44 Issue: 6 Dated: November 1999 Pages: 1287-1291
Steven E. Pitt D.O.; Erin M. Spiers M.A.; Park E. Dietz Ph.D.; Joel A. Dvoskin Ph.D.
Date Published
November 1999
5 pages
This article addresses the value of using videotape in forensic mental health evaluations.
The authors first describe the general use of videotape and then explore the use of videotape within the legal process, followed by a response to arguments opposing videotape use. The article then discusses confidentiality and consent issues, addresses possible exceptions to the use of videotape, and then argues for the use of videotape during forensic evaluations. The authors note that videotape permits the preservation of data in order for all subsequent evaluators to have access to equivalent material. Further, videotape allows for the identification of any instances in which interviewers asked leading questions, implanted ideas or symptoms, or otherwise shaped the evidence. Videotape further provides a verbatim record so evaluators do not need to rely on memory or note-taking to capture the exact language that is so often the most important finding in a forensic psychiatric interview. The use of videotape encourages evaluators to conduct interviews whose quality can withstand scrutiny, while also protecting evaluators from unfounded claims of impropriety. This is all done without including a distracting third party in the interview room. Videotaped evaluations additionally protect the attorney, who may have otherwise wished to attend an evaluation, from being called as a witness. The authors provide a detailed set of instructions designed to assist professionals in establishing their own videotaping system. 10 references