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Presentence Investigation Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
67 pages
This 1984 edition of guidelines for U.S. probation officers in preparing presentence reports presents a common format for presentence reports throughout the Federal judiciary.
The guide describes a flexible model for preparing presentence reports known as the 'core concept.' The 'core concept' requires the probation officer to develop a core of essential information on the offender, which is supplemented by additional pertinent data. This model is designed to produce more succinct reports, since only information germane to the sentencing decision is included in the report. The essential categories of the presentence report cover the offense (prosecution version, victim impact statement, and defendant's version), prior record (juvenile< and adult), offender personal and family data, evaluation, and recommendation. This guide details steps for completing each of these presentence report categories. Other information provided in the guide pertains to the report's disclosure and confidentiality, probation officer civil liability, the probation officer's investigative role, the report's composition, and quality control review. Appendixes contain rules and statutes pertinent to the presentence report. Sample completed presentence reports are provided.