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Present Situation of Victimology in the World (From Victim in International Perspective, P 11-46, 1982, Hans Joachim Schneider, ed. - See NCJ-86192)

NCJ Number
H J Schneider
Date Published
36 pages
This essay on the development and findings of victimology in various countries discusses such topics as the victimization process, victimization surveys, prevention of victimization, consequences of victimization, reparation, and victim services.
Victimology, as it has developed throughout the world, investigates the relationship between offender and victim in crime causation, explores ways in which potential victims can prevent victimization, develops statistics on victimization through victimization surveys, and is concerned with the development of victim services and compensation. A victim may be a person, an organization, the moral order, or the legal system when endangered, harmed, or destroyed by a criminal act. Victimization surveys in a number of countries have shown that unreported crime is extensive and varies with type of crime. Further, surveys have shown that victims tend to be lower class, socially visible (assets are visible and accessible to potential offenders), and socially isolated (e.g., being divorced or separated). Studies have shown that victimization and the inadequate response to the victim of those in his/her social environment influence the victim to conceal physical damage, refrain from mentioning economic losses, and fail to integrate the traumatic experiences of victimization into his/her personality. The pressing task of victimology is to develop treatment methods and establish victim treatment social environment influence the victim to conceal physical damage, refrain from mentioning economic losses, and fail to integrate the traumatic experiences of victimization into his/her personality. The pressing task of victimology is to develop treatment methods and establish victim treatment centers that deal with the specific needs of victims of various types of crime. State compensation of victims can be justified since it is the responsibility of the state to protect its citizens from crime. A total of 200 references are provided.