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Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: Nevada State Profile

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2018
8 pages
Information and data are presented for the Nevada Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), which is named the Prescription Controlled Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force and is administered by the state's Pharmacy Board.

Separate PDMP website addresses are provided for the home page, enrollment, queries, and data upload. Contact information covers the PDMP Program Administrator and the Executive Secretary. PDMP data for 2017 cover the state population (3,056,824), DEA registered prescribers (12,326), and DEA registered dispensers (497). PDMP available reports are listed. Sources of funding for 2018 were licensing fees, a Harold Rogers grant, and a CDC grant. Staff numbers for 2018 are reported for the following job categories: operational (2.5), technical (0), analytical (0), and "other" (0). Significant dates for the PDMP pertain to enabling legislation (June 1995), becoming operational (January 1997), initial user access (summer 1997), on-line access (summer 1997), and electronic reporting (January 1997). Sources for statutes and rules relevant to the policies and procedures of the PDMP are listed. Reporting frequency for monitored drugs is the next business day. Monitored prescription drugs are controlled substances on schedules II, III, and IV; and information is required for naloxone administration, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, and monitored drugs from manufacturers or distributors. Miscellaneous capabilities and policies are also reported. PDMP enrollment and use is required for prescribers but not for dispensers of monitored drugs. Law enforcement agency access to PDMP patient drug-use information requires an active investigation, a subpoena, court order/approval, and on-line and written access. Criteria for querying PDMP data are listed. Nevada maintains active data in a retrievable form for 3 years, and raw data are maintained from the beginning of data collection. Training is required and available for prescribers and dispensers. Technological capabilities are reported, along with requestor types and reports they are authorized to produce.