This guide assists State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) administrators in developing an education program for law enforcement officials' use of PDMP data.
The guide consists of the following three major sections: 1) recommended curriculum components, 2) suggested delivery methods, and 3) general education and training considerations. The first section contains experts' recommendations regarding what should be included in a PDMP education program for law enforcement personnel. Recommendations include an overview of prescription drug abuse and diversion, an overview of the abuse of specific prescription drugs, the benefits to law enforcement in using PDMP, a brief description of PDMPs nationwide, and law enforcement access to PDMP reports. The second major section of this guide suggests various methods for delivering the information to law enforcement personnel. Methods include written materials and the use of the Internet and other types of communications technology. The third section is composed of general education and training considerations. Among the suggestions discussed in this section are to work with State communications divisions with expertise in communicating with stakeholders, the press, and public; to develop a partnership with national and State law enforcement associations in promoting PDMP features; and to contact the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HDTA) group of the State/region for assistance in developing, marketing, and presenting the PDMP materials. Appendixes provide supplementary resources and training materials.