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Preliminary Comparison of Soviet Fingerprint Powders with Selected U.S. Fingerprint Powders

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Identification Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Dated: (September/October 1991) Pages: 321-332
G E Laskowski
Date Published
12 pages
A preliminary study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of the fingerprint powders used in the Soviet Union to certain commonly used U.S. manufactured products.
Following a visual comparison to determine the ability of the Soviet and U.S. fingerprint powders to adhere to a given surface, to produce a clear definable print, and to observe the contrast exhibited by the powders on each of the surfaces, color prints of the developed latents were lifted from the smooth, nonporous surfaces, transferred to standard white fingerprint cards, and examined to determine if they retained detail after lifting. In general, all Soviet Union fingerprint powders had relatively good adhering properties. Initial results may be attributed to the techniques used rather than reflect accurately the quality of the products tested. No specific recommendations are made as to a particular product. 10 figures and 7 references