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Predictors of Law Enforcement Agencies' Perceptions of Partnerships With Parole Agencies

NCJ Number
Police Quarterly Volume: 16 Issue: 2 Dated: June 2013 Pages: 245-269
Bitna Kim; Jurg Gerber; Dan Richard Beto; Eric G. Lambert
Date Published
June 2013
25 pages
This study aimed to enhance the understanding of how law enforcement agencies collaborate with parole agencies and how they view police-parole partnerships.
The current study aimed to enhance the understanding of how law enforcement agencies collaborate with parole agencies and how they view police-parole partnerships. The data were collected through a state-wide survey of all sheriffs' offices and a random sample of municipal police departments in Texas, the State with the Nation's largest parole population. The primary research question focused on identifying 1) empirically derived and meaningful patterns of police-parole partnerships and 2) the predictors of the perception among law enforcement agencies with regard to partnerships with parole agencies. The main finding was that police agencies who valued partnerships with parole agencies tended to already be involved in collaborations with parole agencies and had an organizational culture which supported working with other agencies. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage Journals.