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Predictors of Dating Violence Among High School Students

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Dated: (August 1997) Pages: 546-568
M O'Keefe
Date Published
23 pages
This study examined dating violence in a racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of high school students to determine what factors or group of factors best predicted inflicting dating violence using a social-learning-theory-based model.
Numerous variables that belonged to one of three domains were entered into hierarchical multiple regression analyses. Findings revealed that males were more likely to inflict violence against a dating partner when they had witnessed more interparental violence; believed that male-female dating violence was justifiable; used alcohol/drugs; were the recipients of dating violence; and experienced more conflict in their dating relationships. Females were more likely to be violent toward a dating partner when they believed that female-to-male dating violence was justifiable and that male-to-female violence was not justifiable; experienced more conflict in the dating relationship; were the recipients of dating violence; used alcohol or drugs; and felt the relationship was more serious. The context of the violence was also examined, and the implications of the study are discussed. 4 tables and 49 references


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