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Predictors of Attrition in Two Types of Group Programs for Men Who Batter

NCJ Number
Journal of Family Violence Volume: 17 Issue: 3 Dated: September 2002 Pages: 273-292
Heesuk Chang; Daniel G. Saunders
Date Published
September 2002
20 pages
This study examined the predictors of precounseling and incounseling attrition, and duration of attendance in two group programs for men who batter.
The sample consisted of 218 men who contacted a domestic violence offender program from 1987 to 1990 at a family service agency in Wisconsin. Predictors of precounseling attrition were a history of child abuse, being non-White, and having more self-reported anger. Younger age and antisocial personality were significant predictors of attrition during counseling in both logit and Zero Inflated Poisson regression analyses. Predictors of attrition were also identified by type of group treatment. In cognitive-behavioral groups, younger age, no reports of violence (sic) in childhood, and antisocial personality were significantly related to attrition. In process-psychodynamic groups, low income was related to attrition. The study discusses program and research implications of these findings. Tables, references