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Predicting Injuries of Women in Episodes of Intimate Partner Violence: Individual and Composite Risk Factors

NCJ Number
Victims & Offenders Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Dated: April 2010 Pages: 101-119
Richard G. Greenleaf; Jamie L. Flexon; Arthur J. Lurigio; Jessica A. Snowden
Date Published
April 2010
19 pages
This study explored the risk factors the predict victim injury in cases of intimate partner violence (IPV).
This article examines incidents of intimate partner violence (IPV). The study involved a large sample of female victims and male perpetrators of IPV from Framingham, Massachusetts, just west of Boston. Physical injuries to IPV victims, which are sometimes serious and can be a harbinger of intimate partner homicide, were explored in order to explain the individual (and constellation of) factors that predict victim injury. Tha authors employed an innovative statistical technique that identified the profile or configuration of victim, perpetrator, and incident variables that predict victim injury. In applying various statistical techniques, different results emerged, which highlighted the complex nature of IPV. Tables, figure, and references (Published Abstract)