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Practical Components of Community Policing: Partnership Models for Implementation

NCJ Number
Date Published
16 pages
This booklet provides summary descriptions of 23 operational models of community policing developed by the Community Policing Unit of the Israel National Police in collaboration with the police field units and the communities they serve.
All the models show how traditional police duties can be performed with a community orientation. They are at various stages of implementation in 60 local police forces throughout the country. The degree to which each community has assimilated these models and the extent of their effectiveness depends to a large extent on the quality of the organizational change that the local police force and the local government authority or municipality have achieved. One model involves the decentralization of police operations to the neighborhood level to achieve closer contact with residents, identify their safety needs and problems, and cooperate with them in devising solutions. A number of models focus on community-based crime prevention; these include the involvement of local communications media in crime prevention campaigns, neighborhood watch, the design and planning of "defensible space," proactive crime prevention in schools, crime prevention in the business and commercial sector, and the reduction of traffic accidents. Other models focus on particular types of crime and crime victims, such as domestic violence, drug abuse and drug dealing, theft of and from vehicles, and services for the elderly and disabled.