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Practical Arbitration - A Basic Guide for Non-Attorneys

NCJ Number
M S Gillie
Date Published
47 pages
This practical guide uses examples, sample forms, and checklists to explain both the principles of arbitration and the preparation of a well-organized case in all types of arbitration proceedings, including the Better Business Bureau's nationwide arbitration program, landlord-tenant programs, labor and court arbitrations, and general civil cases.
An introduction reviews the benefits of arbitration, the kinds of cases that can be arbitrated, and specialized arbitration programs. The arbitration contract is described, as are methods for selecting an arbitrator. Suggestions for preparing a case for the hearing focus on presenting evidence, arguing the case, and meeting the other side's case. Specific areas covered include witnesses, exhibits, opening and closing statements, and cross-examination. The guide outlines the basic order of the arbitration hearing and discusses the finality and enforcement of the award. Appendixes contain a sample contract to arbitrate, a sample arbitration clause, prehearing and hearing checklists, an arbitration flowchart, an arbitration example, and sample arbitration problems.


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