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Practical Approach to Sentencing

NCJ Number
C J Emmins
Date Published
372 pages
This text gives both students and criminal justice practitioners a guide to the types of sentences available to courts in England and Wales and the criteria likely to underlie the use of particular sentences.
An overview explains the nature of a sentence, the sentencers, and the concept of proportionality of the penalty to the offense. The procedures that occur between the conviction and the sentence and appeals of sentences are also explained. Custodial and noncustodial sentences are explained in terms of their statutory restrictions; general uses; and guidelines for use given by courts, particularly the Court of Appeal. Particular sentences discussed include imprisonment for a specific period, life imprisonment, suspended sentences, partly suspended sentences, youth custody, fines, deprivation of property, orders in place of punishment, community service, drivers' license suspension, and deportation. Sentencing policy and procedures are also outlined. Case examples, index, and appended background materials.


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