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Potential Use of Home Incarceration for Drunken Drivers

NCJ Number
Crime and Delinquency Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1986) Pages: 224-247
R A Ball; J R Lilly
Date Published
24 pages
The development of ''slammer laws,' which require mandatory jail terms for drivers convicted on charges of drinking-and-driving represents an emotional response to a serious but misunderstood problem.
As an alternative to this and other unsuccessful policies now in use, we suggest that consideration be given to the potential utilization of some form of home incarceration. An examination of some prevalent myths about the 'drunken driver' is followed by a review of recent research that has provided a different picture of the problem. Theoretical considerations are outlined and special attention is given to the obstacles impeding enforcement of various alternate sentences. Home incarceration is then examined in terms of potential advantages and disadvantages as a sanction for 'drunken drivers.' (Author abstract)