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Potential Sex Murderer: Ominous Signs, Risk Assessment

NCJ Number
Journal of Threat Assessment Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Dated: 2001 Pages: 47-72
Louis B. Schlesinger
Joseph T. McCann
Date Published
26 pages
This paper reviewed 10 ominous or threatening signs, frequently found in the backgrounds of sex murderers, that when seen in considerable combination should serve as indicators of a potential sexual homicide.
Risk assessment was acknowledged as both an important and necessary component of forensic practice in predicting violent behavior. The majority of prior research had focused on the mentally ill or sexual offender having a history of aggressive or threatening behavior. Risk assessment of a potential sex murderer is much more complex since usually there is no overt psychosis and an absence of threats and history of interpersonal violence. This paper reviewed the 10 ominous signs often found in the backgrounds of individuals who committed a sexual homicide. These signs, when seen in combination, serve as indicators of risk for a potential sex murderer. The signs include: (1) childhood abuse; (2) inappropriate maternal (sexual) conduct; (3) pathological lying and manipulation; (4) sadistic fantasy with a compulsion to act; (5) animal cruelty, particularly against cats; (6) the need to control and dominate others; (7) repetitive fire-setting; (8) voyeurism, fetishism, and sexual burglary; (9) unprovoked attacks on females; and (10) evidence of ritualistic behavior. While an exact prediction of sexual homicide is not possible, some form of predictive statement can and should be made based, in part, on the signs discussed above. These signs also by no means exhaust the traits, characteristics, or behaviors of individuals with the potential to commit sexual homicide. These 10 threatening signs are useful as a clinical guide in the risk assessment of the potential sex murderer. References


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