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Post-Secondary Correctional Education - Issues of Functional Illiteracy

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 37 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1986) Pages: 18-22
P Moke; J Holloway
Date Published
6 pages
This article examines the incidence of academic deficiency and functional illiteracy among offenders in a post-secondary prison education program.
A descriptive analysis was conducted using aptitude test scores on reading, math and language from 488 students in a medium security prison in Ohio. From the scores it was concluded that approximately 32 percent of the students< functioned below the eighth grade performance level in these three critical content areas. If these results are indicative of the performance of inmate-students nationwide, the authors argue, then post-secondary prison education programs function as schools of last resort for this functionally illiterate population. (Author abstract)