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Post-Release Employment Project: Prison Work Has Measurable Effects on Post-Release Success

NCJ Number
Federal Prisons Journal Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Dated: (Winter 1992) Pages: 32- 36
W G Saylor; G G Gaes
Date Published
5 pages
Initial results of a study by the Federal Bureau of Prisons' Office of Research and Evaluation seem to support the view that inmate work and vocational training programs have a significant positive impact on participants.
The findings of the Post-Release Employment Project reveal that inmates who receive training and work experience during their incarceration are less likely to receive misconduct reports in prison, more likely to be employed during their halfway house stay and after release, and less likely to recidivate than similar inmates who are not trained or employed during their imprisonment. The research compared Federal offenders who took part in training and work experience with similar offenders who did not take part and with a baseline group of all other inmates. Future analyses will analyze specific occupational work and training effects; the impact of prison work and vocational training on changes in occupations before, during, and after release from prison; and other factors that may affect the post-release outcomes. Figures, photograph, and notes